Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hAlloWeEn...ya gotta love it!

Julie gets all the credit for my wonderful polka dot pumpkin.....
hers are cuter I have to admit...check them out.
2008 will be remembered as the year mom gave in and bought a mask...
We missed having our Mychel-Annie with us....
still makes me feel sad I don't have a picture of her...
first time in 18 year....
this growing up stuff is hard on parents!


D.Wing said...

Looks like a lot of fun:) I wish people celebrated it here. We had to do our own party:)

I can't believe how big boys became:)

French Fancy... said...

You are a lovely looking family. I've come to your site via the black box widget so pop over and say hello

the medeiros family said...

Love your polka dot pumpkin!
I hear you on the kids growing up...this year was strange not having Josh trick or treat w/ the other kids.

Aubrey said...

I love polka dots too! Way cute!

Emily said...

oh i love zac's costume.