Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life lesson: Don't ride your little brother's bike

unless you want this to happen:
Friday night at the urgent care medical center....probably a chip is their diagnosis....referral for Monday

Monday afternoon: Nearly four hours later - Pretty sure he chipped a bone....cast for 3 weeks...green was the color of choice! Why doesn't the mom get any pain meds?


Me said...

OUCH!! Hope it heals soon! Boys just have to enjoy life in such a different manner!

Emily said...

on man, i'm sorry to hear about that! give him a squeeze for me!

The Starbuck Family said...

I second that Ouch!! At least it was him riding his little brothers bike, not his little sisters-that's been known to happen around here. A lot less manly admitting that to the doctor!=)

The Harper Family said...

Aw poor guy!!

Hope it feels better soon!!

Make sure he gets lots of signatures on it! :)

Ellie said...

I sure miss my little brother!
wait...i'm be home just days after he gets it off, don't you want to delay it so i can sign it?

debi9kids said...

OUCH!!!! LOVE that he got a green cast just in time for St Pats!